Hi I've used git/ssh to move my localhost build onto a cpanel server.

But the cpanel page just loads as a white page with no source code.

the directory's error_log says this repeatedly:

PHP Fatal error:  Class 'PDO' not found in /home/coastto2/public_html/dylan-bdrop/core/includes/database/database.inc on line 184


I don't know how to fix this though?

Side-Note: the localhost (MAMP) build and the cPanel have the same PHP version set, and the site loads ok in the localhost build. Oh and I confirmed that I have exported the localhost database and have imported it into the cpanel's database.

Any help would be appreciated.


ah yes I had to turn the PDO option in the SelectPHP settings in cPanel server.

It seems OK now.


One other hurdle I had was content in the Active Directory in the files/config_d288997df7e59ac84f89c0935818f46d directory.

If Active Directory was empty the site would not complete install on cPanel.

However if the Active Directory had the correct(same content as localhost build) content inside it, the site would note complete install either.


So I had to allow the folder to exist and let whatever files that generate in there occur, but then after install my site was broken (blocks missing, etc.) so  I then had to upload all the correct content from localhost back into the Active directory.


This seems a little problematic, am I missing something?