Any idea what's causing this for regular users logging in:
TypeError: count(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable|array, null given in node_layout_load_by_router_item_alter() (line 1679 of /var/www/clients/client1/web1/web/core/modules/node/node.module).
It's a fatal stop for the login screen, which then shows:
refreshing the page allows to carry on. The Recent logs showed the type error.
Of note: Administrator logins are fine; they go straight to their Dashboard.
Are you using any contrib module to redirect users upon login? For example Login Destination? Typically, after login, authenticated users are redirected to their account profile page, so my guess is that you are using a redirect, and that redirect may be causing this problem.
Nope, but I have found that the most limited type of user is okay... I am trying to narrow the possiblities, as I have a few types, with multiple levels of perms.
Do you perhaps have any blocks in the default layout that are loading a node with a visibility condition for specific user roles, which may be shown upon login?
This must be something to do with it. It's a particular role, even when the user is multi-roled, including a higher-permed one. Thanks again, mate, I'll keep digging.
I found the problem! A role with Access Dashboard on it, but it is not Full Admin. Because the Dashboard settings are set to redirect Admins logging in over to the Dashboard, the system runs into a deadlock with itself around permission to enter the dashboard. So the next question, is why? With the permission available in the Perms table, it should be possible, right? Or are only full admins allowed into the Dashboard, despite the fact that it allows you to choose other roles? I have a layout for the Dashboard, which looks like this:
I've tried setting the Visibility conditions to Role, and the roles that can have access. No difference.
I've checked the blocks that the dashboard uses, and all are correct permission-wise for the teams involved.
So the only conclusion I can come to is that ONLY Administrators can use a dashboard. I will build another for the other roles.
Hmmm this sounds like a bug to me. I'll see if I can reproduce later.
Onyx, I'm afraid I can't reproduce. Out of the box, Backdrop provides the Editor Role with Dashboard access. I have no problems logging in as an editor and being redirected to the Dashboard.
The problem must be in some weird combination of block permissions etc. Can you please try the following:
That will show the permissions for that particular role. That could shed some light on the problem.
{ "_config_name": "user.role.manager", "name": "manager", "label": "Manager", "description": "VHB Manager", "weight": 6, "permissions": [ "administer comment settings", "administer comments", "edit own comments", "administer credit cards", "process credit cards", "view cc details", "access file overview", "create files", "view own private files", "view own files", "view private files", "view files", "manage files", "delete files", "edit own document files", "edit any document files", "delete own document files", "delete any document files", "download own document files", "download any document files", "edit own image files", "edit any image files", "delete own image files", "delete any image files", "download own image files", "download any image files", "edit own svg files", "edit any svg files", "delete own svg files", "delete any svg files", "download own svg files", "download any svg files", "edit own video files", "edit any video files", "delete own video files", "delete any video files", "download own video files", "download any video files", "upload editor files", "use text format full_html", "bypass node access", "administer content types", "view own unpublished content", "view any unpublished content", "view revisions", "revert revisions", "delete revisions", "view hidden paths", "create card content", "edit own card content", "edit any card content", "delete own card content", "delete any card content", "create organisation content", "edit own organisation content", "edit any organisation content", "delete own organisation content", "delete any organisation content", "create page content", "edit own page content", "edit any page content", "delete own page content", "delete any page content", "create post content", "edit own post content", "edit any post content", "delete own post content", "delete any post content", "create product content", "edit own product content", "edit any product content", "delete own product content", "delete any product content", 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It would also be helpful if you export the Dashboard layout and paste it here
{ "_config_name": "layout.layout.dashboard", "path": "admin/dashboard", "name": "dashboard", "title": "Dashboard", "description": "Site overview dashboard", "renderer_name": "standard", "module": "dashboard", "weight": 0, "storage": 2, "layout_template": "moscone", "disabled": false, "settings": { "title": "", "title_display": "default", "title_block": null, "alternative_paths": [], "ancestor_matching": 0 }, "positions": { "header": [ "eb936b48-d2ec-4d9f-9dd9-ef24a1ad3493" ], "top": [ "40c2107e-4b2c-4c5e-ad09-9a9ed3bd979a", "a314b689-83cf-460e-9635-946582740e22" ], "content": [ "5a4ec847-16c1-45dd-b168-58afed5081d4", "aab75ee1-7a16-4137-b253-83a0f6323936", "f149b0ac-ff4c-46f5-8402-ee1aac572dfb", "8ebebe78-4aa4-4d08-a79f-2463daf79863", "271e8ac3-a2a9-4a0b-8d45-69e68e95938a", "a4b4935d-e085-4d77-a522-ea805e172c1a", "2496a766-3efd-410d-88ea-c84f7b67806e", "fe51ec3f-6310-42cd-87f1-1c2361d666c1" ], "sidebar": [ "9ae6c401-fcfe-4aac-9541-65a33d520115" ], "bottom": [ 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Thanks mate.
At first sight everything looks fine. You can try some of the following:
We can try some debugging too. Enable Devel and edit the code in node.moule, line 1677. Right after:
$map = $router_item['map'];
Be sure to give the offending role the permission "Access developer information" so that you can see the dpm output. Then paste here...