Yeah, well... after enabling login toboggan any registration came through with profile fields empty. Didn't check why, just disabled login toboggan, isn't as essential as in drupal 7.
Don't worry. Another way to help out is by testing fixes that others provide and clearly documenting and new issues you find in the issue queues. Sometimes that can be the thing that allows it...
Posted1 hour 38 min ago by Martin Price | System Horizons Ltd (yorkshirepudding) on:
Hi! In the end, I chose to use the form block and made an override of the block. With some CSS and JavaScript, I created a modal form that only includes a text field and the option to upload...
ahh thanks for clarifying. I'd love to help unfortunately my understanding of how to code is currently very poor, and being new to backdrop and how its configured , I would assume it would take...
The upgrade was a bit rocky. This is the same site that I had difficulty with faulty views:
Here is the list of contrib...
Recent comments
Thanks a lot for the help, solved it.
How to Restrict User Access to Site-Wide Images in the Form Editor
Don't worry. Another way to help out is by testing fixes that others provide and clearly documenting and new issues you find in the issue queues. Sometimes that can be the thing that allows it...
managing draft revisions while still having a version published
Hi! In the end, I chose to use the form block and made an override of the block. With some CSS and JavaScript, I created a modal form that only includes a text field and the option to upload...
How to Create Nodes via a Block-Embedded Form in Backdrop
ahh thanks for clarifying. I'd love to help unfortunately my understanding of how to code is currently very poor, and being new to backdrop and how its configured , I would assume it would take...
managing draft revisions while still having a version published
The upgrade was a bit rocky. This is the same site that I had difficulty with faulty views: Here is the list of contrib...
View/Edit tabs missing