Hi there, youre meant to use the Libararies API module and have the Mailchimp library in a root folder called "libraries". In some future version we'll probably just bundle the Mailchimp library within the module itself as that is now standard Backdrop practice; this module was ported before we settled on that practice. Hope you understand.
That's fine. Following your advice I now have Mailchimp and mailchimp lists working but Mailchimp signup crashes with
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/var/www/html/modules/mailchimp/modules/mailchimp_signup/includes\mailchimp_signup.ui_controller.inc' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /var/www/html/core/includes/bootstrap.inc on line 3933
Unfortunately exactly the same issue here, spent a few hours trying to get it all working.
I did try to upgrade some of the backdrop mailchimp module code using the differences between the current D7 released module methods in 7.x-4.9 and this one and managed to get the signup form at least installed eventually but then had issues with an identifier function when I tried to add the block to my layout.
Also couldn't enable any hooks on lists without getting "Invalid destination. Please try a different URL." in the error log. A separate issue I'm sure.
I uninstalled everything tried again using the git version and redoing my library MailChimp v3 PHP library "composer install" still no luck on the signup module install back to the original error.
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/var/www/html/backdrop/modules/mailchimp/modules/mailchimp_signup/includes\mailchimp_signup.ui_controller.inc' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /var/www/html/backdrop/core/includes/bootstrap.inc on line 3976
Unfortunately, this is one of the modules we use with most of our site builds so without it back to D7 or until I can find time to port the current version across for myself. I'm a site builder though and not much of a coder.
Thanks for that guys, yes correcting the slashes does allow for install which I did figure that bit out sorry. I was curious about other changes to the module/s in github update so I did a fresh backdrop install, went and downloaded the new git hub version, libraries and other dependencies but I get the same error when I try to add a mailchimp block to a layout.
That mailchimp identifier() method pops up again that it's not available, Strange because I see this method working on the D7 version with same Mailchimp library.
From the log after I go to layout and click to add a new block to a region.
Error: Call to undefined method MailchimpSignup::identifier() in mailchimp_signup_block_info() (line 87 of /var/www/html/backdrop2/backdrop2/modules/mailchimp/modules/mailchimp_signup/mailchimp_signup.module).
With the threat of Drupal 7 EOL looming, and a very out of date Drupal 6 site that no longer worked with newer php versions, I made the decision to move both sites to Backdrop in March 2024. ...
Happy Birthday Backdrop CMS! Thanks to the team for everything you do and I'm glad to be part of the people who have been using this system since version 1.1 :))
I have built more than 100...
Posted3 hours 1 min ago by Antony Milenkov (amilenkov) on:
I have a handful of projects I have migrated from Drupal 7 sites, and a number of new sites I have built. Here's my list:
Twin Cities Amnesty https://twincitiesamnesty.org...
Posted3 hours 1 min ago by Wilbur Ince (Wylbur) on:
I'll start!
My company Triplo, has been building Backdrop CMS sites and upgrading Drupal 7 sites to Backdrop for about 6 years now?
Here are a few of the Backdrop sites we have...
Hi there, youre meant to use the Libararies API module and have the Mailchimp library in a root folder called "libraries". In some future version we'll probably just bundle the Mailchimp library within the module itself as that is now standard Backdrop practice; this module was ported before we settled on that practice. Hope you understand.
That's fine. Following your advice I now have Mailchimp and mailchimp lists working but Mailchimp signup crashes with
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/var/www/html/modules/mailchimp/modules/mailchimp_signup/includes\mailchimp_signup.ui_controller.inc' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /var/www/html/core/includes/bootstrap.inc on line 3933
I guess I will wait until all is bundled
Unfortunately exactly the same issue here, spent a few hours trying to get it all working.
I did try to upgrade some of the backdrop mailchimp module code using the differences between the current D7 released module methods in 7.x-4.9 and this one and managed to get the signup form at least installed eventually but then had issues with an identifier function when I tried to add the block to my layout.
Also couldn't enable any hooks on lists without getting "Invalid destination. Please try a different URL." in the error log. A separate issue I'm sure.
I uninstalled everything tried again using the git version and redoing my library MailChimp v3 PHP library "composer install" still no luck on the signup module install back to the original error.
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/var/www/html/backdrop/modules/mailchimp/modules/mailchimp_signup/includes\mailchimp_signup.ui_controller.inc' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /var/www/html/backdrop/core/includes/bootstrap.inc on line 3976
Unfortunately, this is one of the modules we use with most of our site builds so without it back to D7 or until I can find time to port the current version across for myself. I'm a site builder though and not much of a coder.
Running backdrop 1.11.3, PHP 7.1.25, nginx 1.14.2 (Docker DDEV environment)
I do appreciate all the hard work that has gone into this. Thanks.
The slashes are the wrong way. I checked mailchimp_signup.module and this function needs the slashes changed:
function mailchimp_signup_autoload_info() {
return array(
'MailchimpSignup' => 'includes\mailchimp_signup.entity.inc',
'MailChimpSignupUIController' => 'includes\mailchimp_signup.ui_controller.inc',
Hi I've pushed a new release correcting the PHP slash format in a few places. I'm hoping this will get things working for you for now.
Looking to update the code fully in coming weeks. Thanks for your patience.
P.s. I actually haven't tested your error nor the fix, so this is hoping only, that it will help.
Thanks for that guys, yes correcting the slashes does allow for install which I did figure that bit out sorry. I was curious about other changes to the module/s in github update so I did a fresh backdrop install, went and downloaded the new git hub version, libraries and other dependencies but I get the same error when I try to add a mailchimp block to a layout.
That mailchimp identifier() method pops up again that it's not available, Strange because I see this method working on the D7 version with same Mailchimp library.
From the log after I go to layout and click to add a new block to a region.
Error: Call to undefined method MailchimpSignup::identifier() in mailchimp_signup_block_info() (line 87 of /var/www/html/backdrop2/backdrop2/modules/mailchimp/modules/mailchimp_signup/mailchimp_signup.module).