in my current D7 site, we have a use case in relation to managing drafts of existing published long form articles

we use revisions to work on a draft of an article until published but we also have a use case where we want to work on an update to an article (and go through several revisions and not be published for several months) BUT still keep the previously published version live for site visitors.

once the updated draft is ready we publish that overwriting the published version that is seen by visitors. 

  • we don't want is to make the article go offline while we are working on the update
  • and we want the existing content to be updated in place as it will be linked to from other content

in the D7 site we have set up and working. I thought this was in core but it looks like the drupal module workbench moderation  provided this capability:

I'll be honest i'm not 100% sure if it was that,. but we certainly don't have any custom modules 

is there an equivalent module for backdrop or a way we can do this? I tried browsing through the module directory but couldn't find anything



Olafski's picture

but i don't see it on the backdrop list of modules? i'm guessing its because its still in development?

Yep, the maintainers haven't published a release yet. You can install the module manually, but it's not sure if it works, so I'd recommend to check the issue queue before.

thanks for clarity. as i'm still in exploration mode , happy to do that and give it a try. 

Yeah, it's not fully working. I haven't had a project yet to continue work on it. I'll accept PRs to get that last bit working. The way revisions work in Backdrop is a bit different from Drupal so it requires a change to the code.

thanks for letting me know, I installed the package, set it up on a content type and found it wasn't working and was a little confused why i wasn't able to work on a draft post publishing.

excuse my ignorance but what is PR?



A PR is a Pull Request which is used in GitHub to request that code from a branch on your fork of a project repository is merged into the project.  In Backdrop, these are linked to an issue by adding the text to the description "Fixes #123" where "123" is the issue number you are fixing.

I think in other systems they are sometimes called Merge Requests

In short, Herb is saying that if you are able and willing, he is happy to accept contributions to the project (via a PR) that fixes issues.

ahh thanks for clarifying.  I'd love to help unfortunately my understanding of how to code is currently very poor, and being new to backdrop and how its configured , I would assume it would take a while to get up to speed - that is not to say I wouldn't, its just something that would have a time impact and i wouldn't know where to start.

Don't worry. Another way to help out is by testing fixes that others provide and clearly documenting any new issues you find in the issue queues. Sometimes that can be the thing that allows it to progress

happy to do that to move things forward.

As some folks have mentioned, some work has gone into this. We actually added the ability to have "draft revisions" into core, BUT we never completed the front end user interface for this.

The API is there for custom and contrib modules and there is an issue to create a user interface in Backdrop CMS core for this. I understand that an API is not really useful to you in your situation.

Please, post a comment in the Github issue queue if this is a feature you would really like to see in Backdrop Core to encourage the core team.