indigoxela's picture

Please use this topic to suggest agenda items for our weekly meetings.


indigoxela's picture

Some tasks that I belief, deserve a bit attention in the dev meeting:

PHP 8.4 support (#6777)

I'd like to get it into core soon, so we have enough time to find possible side effects before 1.31.0.
It's almost done, just some final questions. But it's still marked "needs work".

jQuery 4 (#6404)

This one actually needs some direction.

One open question would be, how to name the option ;-)
Another one would be when we should provide it in core (marked as experimental) - should we wait for stable, which may take a while?
Another question is, how we can provide help for contrib projects to get compatible.

(Off topic, but D11 ships with jQuery 4 now, it seems.)