Please use this topic to suggest agenda items for our weekly meetings.
This week we will be having a Design and User Experience meeting, followed by the Developer meeting.
There's a Backdrop Q & A section at the end of each meeting that is open to everyone. See more information about our weekly meetings.
Recent comments
PHP Openssl is missing perhaps? I know you've stated that it's there, but if it's having issues loading for any reason, it will fail with updates. Try doing a phpinfo(); call to check...
Failed to get available update data
I sent you a note on your website Thanks
Packaged Install to replace Facebook Group
Thank you for your comments and I will analyze which is the best option.
Change the url of views in user menu tabs user/%/
It seems that the redirect behavior either was or can be overridden with Rules. We were able to keep people on the same page by creating a rule that sends them back to the original page...
Ubercart - Save to Cart Behavior
Ah... I did not know that. Thank you for the info/explanation. I would really like the ability to be able to generate travel distance in real time, but not if I have to go back to Drupal...
Port Module "google maps services"