
i have a problem with the configuration tab of content type when i try to change something in the content type parameters and only on this tab not the others tabs like manage fields, access control or manage dependencies and no problem for teh configuration of the others elements :

"Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 311833509 bytes)"

The memory limit of my site is 512M; when i change for 2048M i can edit very very slowly but i think it is not normal and soon or later i will some problem with my hoster.

when i change the memory limit parameter for 1024M i have this msg

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 1073741824 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 20480 bytes) in /home/philippe/backdroptest/backdrop/core/modules/system/system.theme.inc on line 715

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 1073741824 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 24576 bytes) in /home/philippe/backdroptest/backdrop/core/includes/bootstrap.inc on line 4356

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 1073741824 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 24576 bytes) in Unknown on line 0


i don't know when and why i have this because for a long time i had not this kind of memery problem and i have no idea where this come from but it make the site no manageable anymore 


Looking at the line of the first error, it seems like this is produced by Backdrop trying to build a token tree. The token tree is built in order to be shown in the URL alias pattern vertical tab of the Content type configuration page.

The range of possible causes of this is pretty large. Do you have Entity Token enabled? In fact it'd be helpful to know what modules you have enabled. Another possibility is having two modules that define tokens in ways that create infinite loops. Or perhaps you are using a token pattern in the URL alias of a content type that creates an infinite loop...   

What have you done so far to try to troubleshoot this issue? Does this happen with all Content Types? 

yes all the content types and only the configure tab of the contents types

when i deactivate entity token it is working but i can non longer use rules behind ...and behind the admin bar disappear ..i don't see the link

What version of Entity Tokens are you using?

What other modules besides Rules do you have enabled?

1.x-2.0.1 for entity token

this module is needed for rules and content access

The whole list of modules is big ..

The fact that disabling Entity Token solves the memory problem is a very important clue. My guess is that there is a conflict with token declaration between Entity Tokens and another module that also declares tokens. 

I maintain Entity Tokens, and am willing to help, but I will need a full list of enabled modules in your site in order to troubleshoot.

You can try using drush to get the list:

drush pm-list --type=Module --status=enabled

The guilty one seems to be "Automatic node title"

I don't know drush at all and i don't think it is installed on my site.



Great! I'm glad you found a possible culprit. I'll take a look at this later today to see if I can reproduce the problem.

Question: if you disable Automatic node title, but leave Entity Tokens enabled, is the problem resolved?

Yes in fact i tested, Entity Tokens enabled, i disable and enabled modules on the site where i could not edit the configuration TAB witout memory limite shortage, so on THIS site it solved the issue  BUT on another site where i have the two modules enabled i have no problem at all.

I am not a programmer but it seems to me that the problem is a bit more complex.

Can you provide the following information:

- In the site that has the issues, disable entity tokens

- Navigate to admin/structure/types/manage/page and click the "Automatic title generation" vertical tab

- Take a snapshot of that configuration


(attaching one from a test site so that you can see where this is)

Also, in addition to taking the snapshot or typing the configuration for Automatic node title, visit the URL alias pattern vertical tab and let me know what the Default URL alias pattern is there for the different content types


And two more requests:

- In the list of modules of the site with problems, check to see if the module "Token" is present at all. This module is only found on github, and is not functional at all, as most of its features were incorporated into core

- It would really be helpful to get a list of your enabled modules, since I suspect that the issue is created by a module that defines either tokens or a new entity. 

To output the list of enabled modules follow these two steps

1. Install the module "devel" and enable it. Navigate to admin/devel/php

2. Paste the following command in the "PHP code to execute"

echo(print_r(module_list($refresh = FALSE, $bootstrap_refresh = FALSE, $sort = FALSE, $fixed_list = NULL), TRUE));

Then copy and paste the list that appears there. 



token is not installed.

    [masquerade] => masquerade
    [adaptive_image] => adaptive_image
    [addanother] => addanother
    [aggregator] => aggregator
    [antibot] => antibot
    [antiscan] => antiscan
    [autocomplete_widgets] => autocomplete_widgets
    [autotag] => autotag
    [backup_migrate] => backup_migrate
    [back_to_top] => back_to_top
    [better_exposed_filters] => better_exposed_filters
    [better_search] => better_search
    [block] => block
    [blockreference] => blockreference
    [block_remove] => block_remove
    [bulk_media_upload] => bulk_media_upload
    [ckeditor] => ckeditor
    [ckeditor_accordion] => ckeditor_accordion
    [ckeditor_indent] => ckeditor_indent
    [ckeditor_skins] => ckeditor_skins
    [clone] => clone
    [coder_upgrade] => coder_upgrade
    [color] => color
    [colorbox] => colorbox
    [conditional_fields] => conditional_fields
    [config] => config
    [configurable_block_style] => configurable_block_style
    [contact] => contact
    [content_access] => content_access
    [content_access_rules] => content_access_rules
    [content_type_clone] => content_type_clone
    [copy_blocks] => copy_blocks
    [corresponding_node_references] => corresponding_node_references
    [css_injector] => css_injector
    [current_search] => current_search
    [custom_header_block] => custom_header_block
    [dashboard] => dashboard
    [date] => date
    [date_tools] => date_tools
    [dblog] => dblog
    [devel_generate] => devel_generate
    [devel_node_access] => devel_node_access
    [dropdown_breadcrumbs] => dropdown_breadcrumbs
    [easy_xmlsitemap] => easy_xmlsitemap
    [email] => email
    [entity] => entity
    [entityreference] => entityreference
    [entity_pager] => entity_pager
    [entity_plus] => entity_plus
    [entity_token] => entity_token
    [entity_ui] => entity_ui
    [facetapi] => facetapi
    [feeds] => feeds
    [feeds_import] => feeds_import
    [feeds_ui] => feeds_ui
    [field] => field
    [field_group] => field_group
    [field_sql_storage] => field_sql_storage
    [field_ui] => field_ui
    [file] => file
    [filefield_paths] => filefield_paths
    [filter] => filter
    [flexible_layout] => flexible_layout
    [flippy] => flippy
    [font_awesome] => font_awesome
    [font_awesome_field] => font_awesome_field
    [formblock] => formblock
    [image] => image
    [imageblock] => imageblock
    [imagesloaded] => imagesloaded
    [image_effects] => image_effects
    [image_link_formatter] => image_link_formatter
    [image_resize_filter] => image_resize_filter
    [image_styles_admin] => image_styles_admin
    [image_url_formatter] => image_url_formatter
    [imce] => imce
    [installer] => installer
    [ip_blocking] => ip_blocking
    [ip_login] => ip_login
    [job_scheduler] => job_scheduler
    [language] => language
    [link] => link
    [list] => list
    [locale] => locale
    [masonry] => masonry
    [masonry_views] => masonry_views
    [menu] => menu
    [menu_node] => menu_node
    [menu_node_views] => menu_node_views
    [mobile_navigation] => mobile_navigation
    [module_filter] => module_filter
    [mosaic_grid] => mosaic_grid
    [multifield] => multifield
    [nice_menus] => nice_menus
    [node] => node
    [nodequeue] => nodequeue
    [nodequeue_generate] => nodequeue_generate
    [nodereference_url] => nodereference_url
    [node_reference] => node_reference
    [number] => number
    [oembed] => oembed
    [options] => options
    [path] => path
    [plupload] => plupload
    [printmpdf] => printmpdf
    [realname] => realname
    [redirect] => redirect
    [references] => references
    [rrssb] => rrssb
    [rules_admin] => rules_admin
    [rules_scheduler] => rules_scheduler
    [search] => search
    [search404] => search404
    [search_api] => search_api
    [search_api_facetapi] => search_api_facetapi
    [search_api_views] => search_api_views
    [security_review] => security_review
    [semanticviews] => semanticviews
    [seo_meta] => seo_meta
    [site_map] => site_map
    [smartqueue] => smartqueue
    [special_menu_items] => special_menu_items
    [statistics] => statistics
    [styleguide] => styleguide
    [system] => system
    [tag] => tag
    [tag_on_save] => tag_on_save
    [taxonomy] => taxonomy
    [taxonomy_field_formatter] => taxonomy_field_formatter
    [taxonomy_formatter] => taxonomy_formatter
    [taxonomy_menu] => taxonomy_menu
    [taxonomy_title] => taxonomy_title
    [term_body_class] => term_body_class
    [text] => text
    [textformatter] => textformatter
    [textformatter_contrib] => textformatter_contrib
    [text_resize] => text_resize
    [text_sitemap] => text_sitemap
    [translation] => translation
    [tweaks] => tweaks
    [tweaks_collapse_groups] => tweaks_collapse_groups
    [tweaks_language_switcher] => tweaks_language_switcher
    [tweaks_log_messages] => tweaks_log_messages
    [tweaks_modules_weight] => tweaks_modules_weight
    [update] => update
    [user] => user
    [user_reference] => user_reference
    [viewfield] => viewfield
    [viewsnodefield] => viewsnodefield
    [views_bootstrap] => views_bootstrap
    [views_b_grid] => views_b_grid
    [views_field_view] => views_field_view
    [views_filters_selective] => views_filters_selective
    [views_glossary] => views_glossary
    [views_slideshow] => views_slideshow
    [views_slideshow_cycle] => views_slideshow_cycle
    [views_slideshow_cycle2] => views_slideshow_cycle2
    [views_system] => views_system
    [views_term_hierarchy] => views_term_hierarchy
    [views_term_hierarchy_weight_field] => views_term_hierarchy_weight_field
    [views_term_path] => views_term_path
    [views_ui] => views_ui
    [view_mode_selector] => view_mode_selector
    [visitors] => visitors
    [xmlsitemap_custom] => xmlsitemap_custom
    [xmlsitemap_menu] => xmlsitemap_menu
    [xmlsitemap_node] => xmlsitemap_node
    [xmlsitemap_taxonomy] => xmlsitemap_taxonomy
    [xmlsitemap_user] => xmlsitemap_user
    [youtube] => youtube
    [youtube_colorbox] => youtube_colorbox
    [auto_menu_settings] => auto_menu_settings
    [content_menu] => content_menu
    [xmlsitemap] => xmlsitemap
    [xmlsitemap_engines] => xmlsitemap_engines
    [filefield_sources] => filefield_sources
    [simplify] => simplify
    [menu_attributes] => menu_attributes
    [views] => views
    [contextual] => contextual
    [layout_nodes] => layout_nodes
    [rules] => rules
    [page_theme] => page_theme
    [layout] => layout
    [devel] => devel
    [admin_bar] => admin_bar
    [better_formats] => better_formats
    [custom_search] => custom_search
    [minify] => minify
    [standard] => standard

Thanks for posting the list - wow, that's a lot of modules.

I think the problem is created by a reference field module - it could be any of the ones that include the word "reference" (e.g. Entity Reference or Corresponding Node References, etc).

This is what I suspect: a content type contains a reference field that points toward nodes/content types, creating a circular reference that is confusing the code that creates the token tree. If this is the case, then the code that creates token trees needs fixing to avoid infinite recursion.

So, the next thing to check:

1. go to the Manage Field screen for each and all of your content types (for example, admin/structure/types/manage/page/fields, etc)

2. Check to see if they contain a reference field (this could be a entity reference, node reference, etc, since you have so many reference modules enabled)

3. Open the field configuration and check if any of those reference fields points to Node as its target type. The UI will be different depending on the type of field. For example, for Entity Reference fields, it will say "Target type"

If you find any reference field that points to Nodes, take notes of what type of reference field it is (that is, which module defines this type of field, whether Reference, or Entity Reference, or Node Reference, etc).

It may take a while to find the culprit.


As a side note: why do you need so many types of reference modules? It's probably bound to create problems. Maybe consider doing some "trimming"?



I'm not sure I fully understand the seasoning : i deactivate automatic node title and i have no longer this problem on this site....for me it is the culprit.

You explained to me that i have to deactivate the modules one by one to find it that i have done.

So for me the problem is closed ..something i missed ?




If you are OK without Automatic Node Title, that's great, problem closed.

My reasoning is the following: Automatic Node Title creates a vertical tab in the Content Type configuration page. This vertical tab contains a "Token Tree". That particular token tree is the one that's creating the problem, BUT the problem is not produced by Automatic Node Title, since that module uses a core theme to create the token tree.

So, what I'm trying to do is to find the true reason for the issue. But as I said, if you are OK without Automatic Node Title, then all is good, we don't need to do any more digging. 



As usual, a common way to troubleshoot is to make a copy of your site and db and start disabling contrib modules one by one.

very very heavy as gait ...frankly it is not normal to have this as only solution to debug ....

The issue you describe is not common, and it has to do with your own configuration and modules. Maintaining complex websites by using open source, free software like Drupal or Backdrop is great (hey, it's free!) but it has a price when you run into issues - open source requires work from the people who use it when they run into problems.

Frankly, this forum is mostly for getting help and insight from other people who do it out of the goodness of their heart after you've done some heavy work and debugging yourself. This is not a customer service desk. 

So, if you have any more clues to share with me, I can try to help, but complaining about the work you have to do to solve your problem is not helpful.

yes i know is not a service desk i thank you for your help ...