
What is the recommended breadcrumb solution for Backdrop CMS?

I actually need something relatively simple:
For example, for a content type >Coffeeshop<, the breadcrumb on the content page should look like this:
Home -> Coffeeshops (with a link that leads to a Views page with the URL /coffeeshops-index) -> Content Title

In Drupal, I always used the Custom Breadcrumbs module for this.
There seems to be a version for Backdrop CMS as well, but unfortunately, it is still in an early alpha stage and generates a lot of error messages for me.

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in _custom_breadcrumbs_sort_cmp() (Line 158 of /modules/custom_breadcrumbs/custom_breadcrumbs.admin.inc).

Undefined property: stdClass::$language in custom_breadcrumbs_page() (Line 94 of /modules/custom_breadcrumbs/custom_breadcrumbs.admin.inc).

Both appear when I am on /admin/structure/custom_breadcrumbs.

Are there any other modules where you can freely define the name and URL of the breadcrumb elements?