Hello I have the following problem: I have several taxonomy terms: author, keywords, theme, year ... whose taxonomy page I would like to change. Unfortunately, I can't get any further with the path display in views. If I leave taxonomy/term/% the Taxonomy Term page works for the term I selected with context filters, but not for all other terms. If I change the views path e.g. to archive/keywords/% it doesn't work at all anymore. Is it even possible to create views for different taxonomy terms, or who do I have to pay attention to?

Thanks Nora

Accepted answer

If I understand what you are trying to do correctly (different term listing pages for different vocabularies), here's one way:

  1. Install the "Disable Term Content Listing" module
  2. Configure the vocabularies in question to not display the standard content listings
  3. Create custom view blocks (not pages) for new/replacement listings for these vocabularies
  4. Insert those blocks into the relevant Layouts (with custom visibility conditions as needed on either the layout or the blocks so that they appear only on the pages you wish)


If I understand what you are trying to do correctly (different term listing pages for different vocabularies), here's one way:

  1. Install the "Disable Term Content Listing" module
  2. Configure the vocabularies in question to not display the standard content listings
  3. Create custom view blocks (not pages) for new/replacement listings for these vocabularies
  4. Insert those blocks into the relevant Layouts (with custom visibility conditions as needed on either the layout or the blocks so that they appear only on the pages you wish)

Hello Laryn,

I tried the module, but I does not work. It just shows the term title, but not the views fields I want.

Thanks a lot,


Hi Nora. Welcome to the Backdrop CMS Forum!

I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to produce. Can you describe in more details?

The path taxonomy/term/[tid] currently produces a list of all nodes tagged with a specific term. So you need to provide the term ID to see this list of nodes. This term ID is unique for all terms in the site, regardless of which vocabulary they belong (I assume your "author" "keyword" etc are vocabularies in your site?). For example, the term with ID "9" may be the name of an author. So if you do taxonomy/term/9 you'll list all nodes that contain that author. Term ID 10 may be a keyword like "love" - so taxonomy/term/10 will list all nodes that contain that term.

So, if you could clarify what your are trying to do, I may be able to offer a better answer :)

Hello Argiepiano,

I'm working on an archive system, so I have an article content type with a lot of fields and taxonomies  (authors, year, keywords, theme, sections ..). 

I want to create for each single taxonomy term page a view page. So I mulitplied the disabled taxonomy term view for my taxonomies and changed also the contextfilters for the vocabulary ID, but it works for the first view.

I left path in the views on  /taxonomy/term/% I also tried the custom path eg: archive/authors/% but does not work.

Maybe you have a better hint?

Thanks a lot,



this view works for the vocabulary authors
this taxonomy view with the path taxonomy/term/% or archiv/autorinnen/% ist working
it is a duplicated view with another vocabulary ID - but it is not showing ... The error page appears for taxonomy/term/% and for  the path archiv/schluesselwoerter/% so I think - there is a problem with the path redirecting?
Olafski's picture

Hi Nora, I often replace the default taxonomy term display by using the "Disable Term Content Listing" module mentioned above. The module works very well for me.

It's probably hard to clarify here in the Forum why the module doesn't work for you, as there are many aspects to consider. Discussing the issue in our Zulip Live Chat may be easier. Looking forward to hear from you in  the Live Chat: https://backdrop.zulipchat.com/

Hello Olafski,

I will try the "disable term content listing" in combination with blocks. Could it be, that url alias pathes are causing the problems? When I don´t find a solution I will come to the Live Chat next week.

Best regards,


Hello Olafski,

I found a solution,

thanks a lot,
