In Info Veritas's picture

(Google Translation)

Hello community, For a while now I've been asking myself "existential" questions about my future, what I want to do and what I like in the professional field. I'm not going to bother you with all that, don't worry. 😊 Let's talk about Backdrop. I love this CMS. I find it powerful, fast, simple to use (relatively) and the community (you) is great (not numerous enough but great). I looked for a way to make a living or at least bring a little extra to the budget with Backdrop but my level of development being what it is, we have to face the facts, it is better to forget this idea. It doesn't matter, I'll eat potatoes. They’re good and there are so many ways to prepare them (I should write a book). 😊 Okay, back to Backdrop. I love this product and I'm sure it deserves more recognition and I'm going to continue not only using it but also offering new Add-ons. On the other hand, I am going to be much more modest and only make the code for my next themes and modules available on GitHub and not necessarily publish releases. I'm also wondering if I shouldn't (how should I do it?) remove my modules from the store (Views IIV and IIV Block: even if both work)? Starting with the IIV DARK theme that I use on my site (for the moment). It is an evolution of IIV (and therefore of Bartik). It can be found here:

There is so much to do and so many people more competent than me in this community but I will do my best to contribute something in the hope of being useful. I will try to show that this is a great tool for no-code/low-code. I love the web, I love Backdrop and the team behind this wonderful tool is truly awesome. Thank you for offering us this software.


(French original)

Bonjour la communauté, Ça fait un moment maintenant que je me pose des questions « existentielles » sur mon avenir, ce que je veux faire et ce que j’aime dans le domaine professionnel. Je ne vais pas vous embêter avec tout ça rassurez-vous. 😊 Parlons de Backdrop. J’adore ce CMS. Je le trouve à la fois puissant, rapide, simple à utiliser (relativement) et la communauté (vous) est top (pas assez nombreuse mais top). J’ai cherché un moyen de gagner ma vie ou au moins apporter un petit plus au budget avec Backdrop mais mon niveau en développement étant ce qu’il est, il faut bien se rendre à l’évidence, il vaut mieux oublier cette idée. Ce n’est pas grave, je mangerai des pommes de terre. C’est bon et il y a tellement de manière de les préparer (je devrais écrire un livre). 😊 Bon revenons à Backdrop. J’aime ce produit et je suis certain qu’il mérite plus de reconnaissance et je vais continuer donc continuer non seulement à l’utiliser mais aussi à proposer de nouveaux Add-ons. Par contre, je vais être bien plus modeste et mettre à disposition uniquement sur GitHub le code de mes prochains thèmes et modules et pas forcément publier des releases. Je me demande d’ailleurs s’il ne faudrait pas (comment faire ?) retirer mes modules du magasin (Views IIV et IIV Block : même si les deux fonctionnent) ? A commencer par le thème IIV DARK que j’utilise sur mon site (pour le moment). C’est une évolution de IIV (et donc de Bartik). Il se trouve ici :

Il y a tellement à faire et tellement de personnes plus compétentes que moi dans cette communauté mais je ferai le max pour apporter quelque chose en espérant être utile. Je vais essayer de montrer que cet un bel outil pour du no-code/low-code. J’aime le web, j’aime Backdrop et l’équipe, derrière ce merveilleux outil, est vraiment géniale. Merci à vous de nous offrir ce logiciel.  

Most helpful answers

I know it's a long and difficult job to make Backdrop known and for people to realize the power (and simplicity) of the product. And I think you do a great job.

What I like about Backdrop is the Open Source philosophy, the community, the power and the fact that it runs very, very well on modest server configurations. I don't really think I'll make a fortune (or even just make a living) providing add-ons around Backdrop. There are much better professionals than me but I will help this environment to the best of my ability. Thank you again for your encouragement.

Thank you for your message. You are right. The more modules and themes there are, the more attractive Backdrop will be.

It's not the number of users that poses a problem for me, it's mainly that I want to be useful and offer the right tools for this very good CMS.

And then at one point, I thought I could be awesome enough to make millions offering modules, themes and more on Backdrop. But the reality... I'm joking of course.

PS : I would suggest you try iivdark. It's an evolution of IIV and my personal choice for my site (and my current working base). But it's great if IIV is useful for you.


I'm glad you've found it quite useful too!

I'm curious to know why you'd like to unpublish some of your modules or themes? They're not ready or are they more personal projects? I can help if you'd like to do that.

It's always a learning process. Bit by bit you'll get better.

In Info Veritas's picture


I think it's the imposter syndrome (i don't know if only a french expression or a universal one). The modules are working. But I don't think they are professional enough. And Backdrop needs real good modules.

I will continue to work with backdrop and "offer" some themes, views and other tips.

I have some ideas and this is just the beginning.

We don't expect modules to be perfect on first release.  Sometimes it is good to get people using them. You can do releases with a beta label if you like (might need some help), but please don't be disheartened and unpublish.

IIV has 8 installs (maybe more as not every site checks for updates which is how usage is counted), which is more that some of my contrib modules.  Sometimes usage can be small, but the availability of one module or theme can make the difference when someone is deciding on a CMS.

Just had a look at IIV and I could definitely see myself using this, especially the IIV Dark colour scheme.

In Info Veritas's picture

Thank you for your message. You are right. The more modules and themes there are, the more attractive Backdrop will be.

It's not the number of users that poses a problem for me, it's mainly that I want to be useful and offer the right tools for this very good CMS.

And then at one point, I thought I could be awesome enough to make millions offering modules, themes and more on Backdrop. But the reality... I'm joking of course.

PS : I would suggest you try iivdark. It's an evolution of IIV and my personal choice for my site (and my current working base). But it's great if IIV is useful for you.

Looks good. Tres bien! It is definitely worth releasing that.  We often have people looking for good simple themes and that is quite a thing of beauty whilst being simple.

You're right that it is difficult to make a fortune from Backdrop CMS but by publishing your themes you are establishing a portfolio of your work, and if someone wants a custom theme, then you can point to your ability.  We are still trying to increase demand for Backdrop which will increase the demand for Backdrop developers and designers but it takes time and effort.

In Info Veritas's picture

I know it's a long and difficult job to make Backdrop known and for people to realize the power (and simplicity) of the product. And I think you do a great job.

What I like about Backdrop is the Open Source philosophy, the community, the power and the fact that it runs very, very well on modest server configurations. I don't really think I'll make a fortune (or even just make a living) providing add-ons around Backdrop. There are much better professionals than me but I will help this environment to the best of my ability. Thank you again for your encouragement.