We need to have some modules ported.  Nothing huge.  But some missing functionality for our Ubercart store.

Looking for a Backdrop version for Facets Pretty Path and Ubercart Price Disable.  And possibly Search API Autocomplete and Search API Live Results.

If anyone is interested, ping me.


We have ported a number of modules and may be able to help you: https://www.triplo.co/contact-us

If you are not aware, you can look for other folks interested in specific modules or post a public port request here: https://github.com/backdrop-ops/contrib/issues

I've seen requests in this Github queue generate ported modules within days, but there are no guarantees. Depends a lot on the complexity of the port and who has the band width to reply at any given moment.


Thanks.  I am aware and have posted in the Git queue.  But no response since February.  I will contact you about this.


I have recently started working on porting modules with Backdrop.

I am currently training one of my developers on this. If you are interested we can talk and we could help each other out.

I would like to chat about this.

I don't see any kind of PM mechanism on this site.  Let me know how you'd like to connect.

I'm sorry, but we have hired someone.