
I'm excited to try out Backdrop but I'm running into a bit of trouble. I'm not getting any CSS styling during and after install. This is happening on Firefox, Brave, and Vivaldi running on Arch linux, as well as Chrome on Android. See the attached photos. Clearing cache and reinstalling hasn't worked so I'm wondering what could be going on.

Browsers: Firefox, Vivaldi 6.5.3206.63, Brave 1.61.116 all on Arch

Installing on Ubuntu 22.04 VM with Apache, FPM, PHP 8.1.

Backdrop 1.27.0

install screen
Install screen
backdrop site
Backdrop site


Accepted answer


Thanks for your reply. You pointed me in the right direction and I've solved the issue. The problem was that my site is served over https only but the links to the css and javascript were http links. 

The solution was to set $base_url in settings.php to the full url for my site including the https:// part. This issue is actually documented there in the comments to $base_url.

Not sure if this is an issue with backdrop in my particular configuration. I'm running the site behind a caddy reverse proxy which terminates ssl. I do have a few Drupal 10 sites running on the same VM and I've not had any similar issues with them. 


Hi emk. By default, Backdrop aggregates all the css and js files and saves them into files/css and files/js. It may be the case that there are writing permission problems in those two locations. Can you check that folder for permissions? In my case (in shared hosting), I have 0775, and my user is the owner.

You can also disable the aggregation of both, and test again (clear caches). You can manually disable these by editing the files/config_XXX/active/system.core.json and changing preprocess_css and preprocess_js to 0. Then clear caches and reload.

This will just load each individual js and css files without aggregating and writing them. If you see that they are loaded, that means that there is indeed a write permission problem when aggregation is on.


Thanks for your reply. You pointed me in the right direction and I've solved the issue. The problem was that my site is served over https only but the links to the css and javascript were http links. 

The solution was to set $base_url in settings.php to the full url for my site including the https:// part. This issue is actually documented there in the comments to $base_url.

Not sure if this is an issue with backdrop in my particular configuration. I'm running the site behind a caddy reverse proxy which terminates ssl. I do have a few Drupal 10 sites running on the same VM and I've not had any similar issues with them.