Hi, I am considering updating a few Drupal 7 sites to Backdrop. Doing my homework and determining that I can fulfill all dependencies.
OpenID seems to be a sticking point. We have an old "private" OpenID server that we use as a single signon server for our connected sites. Yes I know it's old and obsolete but it still works for our purposes.
But the Drupal 7 Core OpenID module is not supported in Backdrop. Does anyone have any experience with this? Was it dropped just because it's old and obsolete, or is there a true problem to deal with?
I am a LAMP coder but I don't actually have much experience with the Drupal code, and none with Backdrop.
Thanks in advance.
I'm not very familiar with SSO and OpenID, but it seems to me like the best option might be to port the core OpenID module as a contrib module to Backdrop. You may want to post a request at https://github.com/backdrop-ops/contrib/issues to see if anyone is available to port it. At quick sight it doesn't look too complicated.