there are permissions defined for editing and deleting each defined vocabulary, on the permissions page (/admin/config/people/permissions).
i have checked the edit permission on a vocabulary for a defined role "content editor", and saved. i have cleared all caches.
but when i log in as a user with the "content editor" role, and i try to access the term edit form for a term in that vocabulary (/taxonomy/term/47/edit), i get an access denied from backdrop.
maybe i am missing something? has anyone done this successfully?
This is confirmed. If the user does not have "Administer vocabularies and terms" permissions, they cannot edit terms regardless of specific term edit permissions. And if the user has "Administer vocabularies and terms" permissions, they can edit terms even if they dont specifically have the specific "Term_name: Edit terms" permission.
So in other words the term edit permissions dont do anything.
Laz, can you open an issue for this on please?