Is there someone who have compatible rule sets for Backdrop - I know there is backdrop/coder project but it is for phpcs version <2 and I'm using >3 which I cannot change for sake of other projects.
Currently I'm using rule set from Drupal:
<ruleset name="BackdropCMS"> <description>Default PHP CodeSniffer configuration for Examples for Developers.</description> <file>.</file> <arg name="extensions" value="css,inc,install,module,php,profile,test,theme"/> <rule ref="Drupal.Array"/> <rule ref="Drupal.CSS"/> <rule ref="Drupal.Classes"/> <rule ref="Drupal.Commenting"> <exclude name="Drupal.Commenting.DocComment.MissingShort"/> <!-- TagsNotGrouped has false positives for @code/@endcode. See https://www.drupal.org/node/2502837 --> <exclude name="Drupal.Commenting.DocComment.TagsNotGrouped"/> <!-- We have to document hooks in a non-standard way in order to beinformative --> <exclude name="Drupal.Commenting.HookComment.HookParamDoc"/> <exclude name="Drupal.Commenting.HookComment.HookReturnDoc"/> </rule>
But i'm not sure if it is fully complain with Backdrop CS.
If someone can drop rule set will be nice.
Testing on this branch would be great: