
in Drupal 7 i used plupload widget with files for multiple upload; i understand that plupload is installed and used with bulk upload: have we the possibility to have a plupload widget with backdrop ?


Accepted answer

The left part of the screen shows a file field that has been added to a page (in this case through a Paragraphs field, but it works the same on a regular file field). That field has to be set to allow more than one value in the field settings in order to allow multiple file/image uploads:

Screenshot of settings.

HTML5 Upload doesn't really provide any new UI, it just transforms the standard file field/Browse functionality to allow multiple files to be selected and/or drag-and-dropped onto it.


If multiple upload is the only requirement you could also test HTML5 Upload to see if it suffices.


I used some time ago for this purpose File Resumable Upload


and this worked fine, but found that it does not transliterate file names correctly if they are not in English - it can be used, but the filenames must be prepared in advance for use on the website according to the desired transliteration and punctuation.

Thanks for yours answers

 I have installed these module but don't understand how use them in my case; plupload works well with buld upload , but for end-users, it is too much difficult to use so i would rather use it as widget like i have done with Drupal 7 but don't know how even if it is possible ..

the others html5_upload and file-resup modules don't understand how to use them ...


RE: HTML5 Upload, here's the description from the README:

Install the module and all your file/image fields become HTML5 multiples (single as well) in newer/compliant browsers.

Just install the module, and if you have a multi-value file or image field, you should then be able to drag and drop multiple files onto the field directly (or use the "Browse" button and multi-select files in the browser to upload more than one file at a time).

of course i red this document but "Just install the module, and if you have a multi-value file or image field, you should then be able to drag and drop multiple files onto the field directly (or use the "Browse" button and multi-select files in the browser to upload more than one file at a time)." mean nothing to me sorry ..it is not a documentation .... it was the same  with Drupal but you had always a video or an article that explain how to do thing .. with backdrop no .. so


Sorry I wasn't clear. Does this help?

HTML5 Upload demo.

where do you find the left part ? i am also testing file_resup are the two working well together well  ?i can see the UI with file_resup but not yours ..something else i have to do ?

The left part of the screen shows a file field that has been added to a page (in this case through a Paragraphs field, but it works the same on a regular file field). That field has to be set to allow more than one value in the field settings in order to allow multiple file/image uploads:

Screenshot of settings.

HTML5 Upload doesn't really provide any new UI, it just transforms the standard file field/Browse functionality to allow multiple files to be selected and/or drag-and-dropped onto it.

yes i understand now .. i tested on few pics .. will see if i can make the thing acceptable for end-users.

I will test also the possibility to transform the bulk upload process and it more acceptable


Thanks to you for your help

From the module's page in Backdrop CMS:



  • Install the module like any other module.

  • Set permission Upload via File Resumable Upload.

  • Edit a File or Image field.

  • Expand Resumable upload settings. (Comment: this is at bottom of the field's form with settings and is collapsed by default, so You can don't see at first)

  • Check Enable resumable upload.

  • Set Maximum upload size, if needed.

  • Check Start upload on files added, if desired.

  • Save settings.

Yes this one i see that i missed " (Comment: this is at bottom of the field's form with settings and is collapsed by default, so You can don't see at first)" i am working on it ; as soon as i wil find how html5_ upload works i will also try it.

Thanks to you // support of everyone is always at the top here