What is the proper way to control how images display on a form that is generated by a module? Continuing to work on the Book data module ISBN2node, I have successfully updated the code to pull titles based on a keyword query and show it in a form for the user to select one.
This is what it looks like right now:
It would be nice to have the image float at the left and have the text display in 3 lines to the right. I can do the text easily, but how to do the image? Current code:
$options[$title['isbn']] = ($img ? theme('image', array('path' => $img)) : '') . ' <em>' . $title['title'] . '</em>' . ' - ' . $title['author'] . ' - ISBN: ' . $title['isbn'] . ' / ' . $title['isbn13'];
I tried adding style attributes to the theme(...) call, but that doesn't work.
Have you tried simply adding a css file to your custom module and adding it through the .info file?