To what extent does Backdrop match Drupal 8 regarding improvements made in accessibility for Section 508 compliance? And do those characteristics tend to carry through to most themes? Finally, is there a module which aids the analysis and addressing of accessibility issues?
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Try adding to your Views page /hirek Contextual filter "Global: Null". And use a Canonical URL for all pages, which will help eliminate duplicate content for search engines.
Double Triple Category Name
thanks for the advice, I rewrote it, but I can still enter the news category in the search engine 3x 4x news/news/news/ I type as many times as I want
Double Triple Category Name
It turned out that this is not a “term”, but a “page”. Ok. If this is a content type like “News”, it is logical to use the pattern "news/[node:title]" where "news" is a list of all...
Double Triple Category Name
@izmeez, not to my knowledge. I just now searched and found a newly released BookMadeSimple module that might make that possible. I'll try it in a sandbox and report back.
Book Module - Cannot add content in draft mode
url pattern: [node:book:url:path]hirek/[node:title]
Double Triple Category Name