How can I use a non-breaking space in a site name? I have a site with a longer than normal name and I would like it to wrap in the middle on small screens.
I wouldn't bet it's fully functional. There are a few issues in the queue, and B-org reports only 1 active install. Who knows, just give it a try. The maintainer is still active in the community...
Posted1 hour 18 min ago by Alejandro Cremaschi (argiepiano) on:
Hi, I have not managed to solve it, I have tried another module but it works badly, so for the moment I will leave it as it is. I will continue later. Thanks for your help
It looks like the minify module is not properly processing your JS and HTML files. Have you checked the file paths and permissions to ensure they are accessible? I remember, that once I faced...
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Uh oh :) You may want to report the exact errors in the queue. Who knows, maybe the maintainer will pick it up.
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I tried it on a test installation and it killed the site :) .... Thanks for replying...
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I wouldn't bet it's fully functional. There are a few issues in the queue, and B-org reports only 1 active install. Who knows, just give it a try. The maintainer is still active in the community...
Points for users
Hi, I have not managed to solve it, I have tried another module but it works badly, so for the moment I will leave it as it is. I will continue later. Thanks for your help
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It looks like the minify module is not properly processing your JS and HTML files. Have you checked the file paths and permissions to ensure they are accessible? I remember, that once I faced...