I need to access some previously created Static Files. This is simple in Drupal 7 but problematic with Backdrop C MS. I am trying to place the directory containing the static files in the website and link to it with a menu item. I can get i a invalid patherror message or no access or eventually a file not found error message. Can any one tell me what I am do ing wrong?
I'm using the file structure: ./Sited/Static/index.html from a 4 site multi-site installation of the 1.21 version of Backdrop.
I wonder if you did a relative or absolute link. I just did a test (using a fresh site - http://martin.lndo.site) and I was able to create menu links to both:
If I try to create a link this way:
Then I get the following error, because this looks like an internal link that Backdrop does not know exists.
But, if I create a full path (http://martin.lndo.site/test.html), then Backdrop seems to recognize the link as external, even though it is stored in the same directly as Backdrop root.
If this does not help, please provide more details on exactly how you are configuring the link that it does not work.