Hi - first post - I'm really excited about Backdrop. Been struggling with D8, and had to abandon a Commerce website in D8 because I couldn't get to grips with Composer. So it was a real pleasure to discover Backdrop :)
One thing I must feed back to you is that the Add Ons pages on the website could do with enhancing. Currently you find a module by searching for the name. That approach assumes that you know what you're looking for. Quite often module names have no bearing on their functionality.
So I'm suggesting that these pages add some extra filters so we can search modules by category, popularity etc, much like on Drupal's website. Some sorting options would be useful, also. Likewise, this approach could be adapted more fully on the modules install pages within Backdrop itself.
I think this would make things much easier for people to plan and build their websites. Should be fairly easy to achieve on the website with Views, no?
You raise a good point, and one that has been under discussion for some time. There is recent traction on the issue I believe, although it was originally filed in 2013.
This issue deals specifically with the ability to add tags to modules to help categorize them, which I am assuming will feed into the projects section on Backdropcms.org – although it couldn't hurt to add an issue to the queue here to make sure it doesn't slip through the cracks:
Unless this one covers it well enough: