I would like the change the menu setting on the header block when a user enables the Tatsu theme.
Is there any way to do that?
Here is the code I would use in hook_install for a module, is there a version of this for a theme:
$layouts = layout_get_all_configs('layout');
foreach ($layouts as $layout_name => $layout) {
foreach ($layout['content'] as $block_id => $block) {
if ($block['plugin'] === 'system:header') {
config_set('layout.layout.' . $layout_name, 'content.' . $block_id . '.data.settings.block_settings.menu', 'my-menu-id');
Recent comments
Just saw someone reference this thread and saw the alternative solution mentioned in Stack Exchange which linked to here. Using Nginx certainly does work if encountering the problem in Lando,...
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