I am working on a donation feature to allow a customer to make a variable donation and I have this working using the Ubercart Variable Price module.
I have a couple of other requirements for with additional info to be provided by the customer making the donation, such as:
- In memory of (checkbox)
- If 'In memory of' is checked, display further inputs: name (textfield), relationship (textfield or select list), more info (textarea)
- Gift Aid (checkbox)
As well as this, it would be great if I could add a 'Checkout' button instead of an 'Add to cart' button so that they are not tempted to add other products during the checkout process.
Any guidance would be most helpful. Thank you!
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You've included everything relevant. Thank you. You don't need to be a developer to help; writing clear reproduceable bug reports helps people identify the cause and remedy of problems
Solved: Error on config/people/permissions
WOW! The work you’ve done is awesome. I’ve been following your progress, and the sense of community that comes across is incredible. I’ve tested the module, and it works really well,...
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