I'd like to set up Ubercart shipping zones (as a component) rather than re-selecting 5, 10 or 15 countries (each time for different quantities) that are within a particular shipping zone (e.g. as defined by Australia Post).
I've attempted to use admin/config/workflow/rules/components, but it appears setting up a shipping component for a zone (e.g. Europe Zone) needs to reference a particular shipping method that's already defined.
This is more a convenience than a necessity - when selecting countries, after saving I can export the component and compare with similar zone components (for different quantities) to quickly check all countries are included. I've caught a few omissions already, so that seems an expedient thing to do.
Found the solution:
In this example setting a shipping zone with many countries in the Asia-Pacific Zone (which in this example includes China, Cambodia, Vietnam, Fiji, Vanuatu ... etc) per the Australia Post list.
Add new condition, selecting (go to bottom, components) "Asia-Pacific Zone" component.
In regards to the large multitude of countries not covered by the various zones that are defined, "Rest of World" is set using NOT Zone Asia-Pacific AND NOT Zone US-Canada AND NOT Zone Europe, etc.