
A quick question for the Ubercart experts.



Residing in:


I have noticed that the breadcrumb is set quite late in the function, after the argument count sanity check and empty cart check.

  1.  The argument count check immediately returns MENU_NOT_FOUND, which presumably results in a 404 (am I right?)
  2. The empty cart check immediately returns an array('#theme' => 'uc_empty_cart');

The custom breadcrumb is set last, so if the two above conditions are met it will never be evaluated.

But, to me, it looks like the discriminator for the custom breadcrumb is independent of arguments passed and cart contents, so I am wondering if that code block should actually be set earlier in the function (between or perhaps before these two above-mentioned checks)?

Here's the code, it appears to have no logical dependency on cart item count:

  // Add a custom cart breadcrumb if specified.
 if (($text = variable_get('uc_cart_breadcrumb_text', '')) !== '') {
   $link = l($text, variable_get('uc_cart_breadcrumb_url', '<front>'));

Shouldn't this setting be evaluated regardless of arguments passed or an empty cart, or have I missed something?
