Today I received a notification in my Administrative GUI regarding an update:

So I duly used the Update manager to update Backdrop:

Problem is, my machine doesn't accept inbound FTP connections any more as it is no longer considered to be the most secure of protocols:
Anyways, I put in my credentials and saw this:

This error was unsurprising. NO inbound FTP connections go anywhere...
ftp> o
ftp> exit
So I guess I am stuck, because my machine now only accepts Secure FTP (SFTP) and Secure Copy (SCP) connections, which are considered a better option these days:
What can I do now? I'd like to upgrade.
One option is to enable the core Installer module and use it to update modules within the browser. Its main purpose is to make it easier to install modules from the browser but also supports updates.
A fix was put into 1.29.3 which should enable you to do an in place upgrade, and so no need to use FTP. It fixed a problem we found with upgrading at