I am in the process of upgrading a Drupal 7 site to  backdrop. The D7 site contains about a dozen contrib modules, including Rules and Ubercart. I have (as far as I can tell) followed the upgrade instructions to the letter, including the special instructions involving Entity Plus for Rules and Ubercart.

In accessing the home page I get the following message:


Call to undefined function entity_plus_get_all_property_info()

I would greatly appreciate help troubleshooting this error.

Many thanks,


Accepted answer

Hi Dan,

Can you post the rest of the error? It should show the location of where entity_plus_get_all_property_info() is being called.

The function does exist in entity_plus so make sure the full module is installed and enabled on Backdrop, not the stub module that you would have put on the Drupal site.



Hi Dan,

Can you post the rest of the error? It should show the location of where entity_plus_get_all_property_info() is being called.

The function does exist in entity_plus so make sure the full module is installed and enabled on Backdrop, not the stub module that you would have put on the Drupal site.


What I have posted is the entirety of the error message.

 I do get some other error messages that show up in the course of running the update script. I'll check on what version of Entity Plus I put in the Backdrop modules folder.

Many thanks!

You were correct! I had the wrong Entity Plus in the modules folder!

Many thanks for your help, and Happy New Year.


I also placed the Drupal stub version of ubercart into the modules folder rather than the Backdrop one.

When I corrected this, I got the following error message:

An AJAX HTTP error occurred. HTTP Result Code: 500 Debugging information follows. Path: https://ceramicsatthebarn.com/cab_bkdrp/core/update.php?op=selection&tok... StatusText: error ResponseText: Error: Call to undefined function uc_get_message() in uc_cart_update_1000() (line 117 of /home4/ceramic2/public_html/cab_bkdrp/modules/ubercart/uc_cart/uc_cart.install).


Can you please help with this?

Embarrassing mistake!

When I corrected this, I got the following error message:

I would start the upgrade process again from scratch, this time making sure all correct modules are in the right places. Make sure you put ALL stub modules in the D7 site, and be sure to enable the ubercart stub module in D7 before exporting/importing the database.

Thank you!

I did all as you suggested.

I now get the error message:


Requirements problem

Warning message

The staging configuration directory (./files/config_2f114db6dbd469fd5c5f65692b1b4070/staging) could not be found. Please make sure it exists and is properly referenced in settings.php.


Thanks for any help you can give me!

Sorry for adding additional issues to my original post.

I will start a new thread.