Hello BD friends,

This happens to me on a second site that I upgrade to Backdrop 1.22.0.

When starting the script for updating the database, error messages appear for a missing module - Entity tokens (I did not consider taking a screenshot, I quote from memory).

To answer this problem, I install the Entity Tokens module:


As a result, the update script runs without any more error messages, but those appear in the Status report.


Problems detected

The following token types do not have any tokens defined:

  • $info['tokens']['i18n_translation']

The following token types are not defined but have tokens:

  • $info['types']['comment']

The second message disappears if I activate the Coments module (although I do not use it on this site in any content type).

However, I do not know what to do about it $ info ['tokens'] ['i18n_translation']

The i18n module is active on the site and together with the system update I updated it from the previous version i18n-1.x-1.0.0-alpha3 to i18n-1.x-1.0.0-beta1

UPD: The request to install Entity tokens is probably due to the fact that on this site, as well as on the previous (first one upgraded to 1.22.0, where there was the same requirement), the Rules module is active, and on the first site Rules is required for Ubercart to work.


indigoxela's picture

Hi amilenkov,

Rules requires the entity_token module since version 1.x-2.3.0 https://github.com/backdrop-contrib/rules/releases/tag/1.x-2.3.0.

I don't know what exactly causes that Tokens nagging on your status page, but this issue in the entity_tokens queue seems related: https://github.com/backdrop-contrib/entity_token/issues/32

Not sure about the i18n_translation nagging... i18n does define tokens (in i18n_node and in i18n_taxonomy). If this causes nagging all of a sudden, the problem might be similar to comment issue. Maybe ask in their queue?

Hello amelinkov.

Thanks for the report. As indigoxela said, the first issue is produced when upgrading Rules, which now requires Entity Tokens. Downloading and installing Entity Tokens will solve that issue.

The issue with the Comment module has been reported before and there is a fix for that - if you use the dev version of Entity Tokens that will go away. It's safe to ignore the warning, though - it will not produce any problems, nor will it be added to the watchdog log. I will be doing a new release of Entity Tokens in the next couple of days that will take care of this.

Regarding i18n_translation, you are the first to report. The module i18n_translation creates an entity, and Entity Tokens is trying to create tokens for it, but there are none to be created - thus the warning. I will create an issue in the Entity Tokens queue and will fix it too

Like the other status warning, it's safe to ignore it. It will not be added to the watchdog log and will not interfere it with the functioning of the site.

New release coming very soon!  

Thank you and Indigoxela for quick reaction! Have a nice weekend :-)

I have created a new release of Entity Tokens that solves both issues.

I report that I installed entity_token-1.x-2.0.2 on both sites with BD 1.22.0, about which I wrote above.

All error messages have disappeared in the Status report.

Thanks again for your cooperation!

I also take this opportunity to note and thank BD community for the significant progress made at ubercart-1.x-3.13.1 compared to earlier versions that I tested in 2020-2021. I appreciate it now as a mature, useful and reliable solution for an online small business store, based on Backdrop CMS platform.