Hi, I am upgrading D7 site with paragraphs to Backdrop  1.21.1 on Pantheon hosting, and I am getting the following error

paragraphs module can not be updated. Its schema version is 7101. Updates up to and including 7103 have been removed in this release. In order to update paragraphs module, you will first need to upgrade to the last version in which these updates were available.

I am not sure to which version I need to upgrade. 

I also get the following errors

PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'pantheon.cache_entity_paragraphs_item' doesn't exist: TRUNCATE {cache_entity_paragraphs_item} ; Array ( ) in backdrop_flush_all_caches() (line 8584 of /code/core/includes/common.inc). 

SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'pantheon.cache_entity_paragraphs_item' doesn't exist: TRUNCATE {cache_entity_paragraphs_item} ; Array ( )


Can you open an issue in the Paragraphs queue? I suspect the module was ported from the dev version of Paragraphs.