Set up a new backdrop site in order to get around migration problems. Tried to use user_import to get user data fro D7 site. It test OK but will not import anything. Tried 'continue' as well as running cron - nothing. And nothing in 'latest log messages'. Module simply does nothing (beyond running test)
Any idea? Any suggestions.
In error_log in the site root:
Guess that means module is outdated/non-functioning.
Deprecated does not necessarily mean it won't function. It just means it'll stop working in a future version of PHP.
I haven't tried user_import, but you might be able to get users imported using Feeds.
By the way, can you report any issues you've got in github for the user_import project?
Well - it wouldn't work. And Laryn & I are communicating on github on this issue.
I believe that this is the discussion in Github:
And may I add: The latest version of user import works fine. All my users are now imported. The only outstanding issue is that roles import have problems.
I am back 'on the boat' having a backdrop install I can work with.