Hi Everyone. I am trying to use the default theme that comes with backdrop, but I want to make one basic change to it and I am not sure where to start. 1. The "home" page is a "post" page and I want this one to be a static "about" page. 2. I want to carry posts on a different page, but when I create a post page and give it a menu entry, all of the content that I am trying to post goes to the home page. Can there be more than one "post" page? 3. I want to create a page with some static links to videos. I am pretty sure I know how to do that with HTML, but I have not tried it yet. I put it in the list in case anyone has something to say about it.
If you want to see what I have so far, the URL is http://boskycallow.org
Hi Chuck,
The URL of the homepage is set here: /admin/config/system/site-information By default it's '/home'. You can change that to any URL you like (assuming you're created a page/view/layout with that URL already).
The '/home' URL is created by the 'Home page' layout: /admin/structure/layouts It's set to show 'Promoted content' which is any content set to be 'Promoted to homepage' (mostly Posts).
I'd suggest creating your static About page, then setting the homepage URL to that. Then you can edit the 'Home' layout (change the name to 'Promoted content' or something) and change the URL to something else, and give it a menu link so it appears in your navigation, and that becomes your Posts page.
As for videos, you can easily add links to your content, but if you want to embed videos, you'll need something like https://backdropcms.org/project/video_filter or https://backdropcms.org/project/youtube
Hope that helps!