Maybe I should be in the issue queue, but I'm not sure if this is user error on my part or a feature request. 

Using the Feeds module AND Feeds Tamper, I'm able import a list (several terms in one field) of taxonomy terms into a Term Reference field. When I try the same thing with an Entity Reference Field, I'm only able to import a single term. 

Does anyone know if there is support for the Feeds module to import a list of terms into an Entity Reference field. If so, how is this done? Do we need something like #1 (Term Reference field) for the #2 Products field (Entity Reference field, referencing a taxonomy). I could just use term reference, but I assume that we're moving away from that and I'm creating a tutorial for the future.


I have done it with multiple entity reference values into a field.  That scenario worked with entity id though, but I think it should work with label. 

I have done it with multiple entity reference values into a field.  That scenario worked with entity id though, but I think it should work with label.

You can see in the screenshot that it's not working with Label by default. It only seems to import one value. I'm using Feeds Tamper to explode the list (have tried with and without this tamper).  I suppose I can do a little more experimenting, maybe I will try other types of entity references. Maybe the problem is specific to Taxonomy?