I don't believe that this feature is yet available for the 7.x version of VBO (happy to be proven wrong though). There where multiple issues where this was being discussed:
So it seems that this in not quite production-ready yet. Nevertheless, we could look into supporting it in Backdrop; so I'd suggest opening an issue in https://github.com/backdrop/backdrop-issues/issues
Thanks but I use VBO to modify entities in nodes in drupal 7 all the time, including taxomony terms. Never had an issue with that.
I do not see any way VBO can be used to modify any node fields. This is an important (critical) feature for me. I have only built 2 sites using Backdrop but this could stop me right here.
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Hello Gus 👋,
I don't believe that this feature is yet available for the 7.x version of VBO (happy to be proven wrong though). There where multiple issues where this was being discussed:
All of those issues seem to have been closed either as duplicate or wont-fix 😔 ...but I believe that there is an effort to implement it in https://www.drupal.org/project/views_bulk_operations/issues/1421656 which is now RTBC (but not merged/implemented yet).
I was also able to find some other bugs filed around this functionality, such as:
So it seems that this in not quite production-ready yet. Nevertheless, we could look into supporting it in Backdrop; so I'd suggest opening an issue in https://github.com/backdrop/backdrop-issues/issues
Thanks but I use VBO to modify entities in nodes in drupal 7 all the time, including taxomony terms. Never had an issue with that.
I do not see any way VBO can be used to modify any node fields. This is an important (critical) feature for me. I have only built 2 sites using Backdrop but this could stop me right here.
Right, can you please take the time then to open a feature request for this in https://github.com/backdrop/backdrop-issues/issues ?
Ok, I posted the request for this feature. #4401