What's happening when I cannot choose Raw HTML from formatting Options? This is as Admin, and is enabled for all other points in the site.
Accepted answer
Hi Onyx..., Not quite sure what you are trying to achieve but to change to RAW you select the "Formatting options" and you should be able to change it to RAW... but make sure the content type allows you to change it.
Onyx your report is very obscure. We are not sure what you are trying to report (or perhaps ask feedback about). Can you expand your question?
Sorry I wasn't clear enough.
I have discovered that regardless of content type or of which view I am dealing with, I am unable to use raw html in the no results global text addition. It's simply not allowed, even though the adding global text to header or footer does allow it.
Onyx, I can't reproduce. My clean installation of Backdrop is allowing me to use Raw html in the No Results UI.
Perhaps this is due to some settings or permissions? Or contrib? Can you try a clean installation?
In your snapshot, it's strange that none of the fieldsets have blue links. Can you open those fieldsets? Perhaps Javascript is crashing for your site, which would prevent you from opening the Formatting option fieldset?
Yeh, JS is not complaining in the console, but it is failing to load the click handling... this is very strange. Workaround to get things going:
Edit the JSON of the view directly after adding the no result global text of filtered_html. Change the format to "full_html" as below, save, then clear views cache.
"empty": { "area": { "id": "area", "table": "views", "field": "area", "relationship": "none", "group_type": "group", "ui_name": "", "label": "", "empty": true, "content": "<div id='addnote'><a class='btn' href='/node/add/note' title='Add a new note'>Add Note</a></div>", "format": "full_html", "tokenize": 0 }
Very strange indeed. Is this affecting other fieldsets in your site? What version of jQuery are using?
jQuery version 1.12.4 / jQuery UI version 1.13.2
Nothing else is affected.
I have numerous accordions, etc. It's got to be something with my custom JS that is interfering (unfortunately there is a lot of it!) with the views js. The theme is heavily modified in order to provide the required functionality, in both TPLs and JS, and custom module. I'll give you a tour one day ;-)
It's theme related. I found if I swap the admin theme back to Seven it works. So there's something in my theme that's missing. The reason I have used my theme for the admin interface was consistency of appearance for the users that require it.
It turns out the <fieldset> needed CSS to raise it;
And that enabled the clicking/working with it.
In your snapshot, it's strange that none of the fieldsets have blue links. Can you open those fieldsets? Perhaps Javascript is crashing for your site, which would prevent you from opening the Formatting option fieldset?