For the record I cut and pasted the missing blogs. This was so long ago and the experience that I've gained made me realize the difference between content and configuration. It is likely that...
This may not be news, but I had some success with Node Export on D7 and Feeds on Backdrop. (Couldn't get Feeds -> Feeds import to work correctly.) The way I got it working was to set Node...
This module allows an administrator to define additional (billing and
shipping) address fields (i.e. VAT) in Ubercart e-commerce suite.
Backdrop CMS port:
I'd like to discuss options for moving #2231 forward. It concerns having a simplified array syntax for database details that will support complex passwords better than the current db url and simpler...
Posted2 days 24 min ago by Martin Price | System Horizons Ltd (yorkshirepudding) on:
We have not released a beta version of Variable Price for Ubercart.
Please, give it a try and post a comment in the issue queue if it...
@stpaultim doesn't work for you?
It doesn't say in the module that it works for Webform as well. Maybe this module needs to be ported It mentions that it adds Webform support.