For almost 8-9 months the Backdrop CMS community has been hosting regular office hours every Wednesday. Originally intended as a place for either folks evaluating Backdrop CMS or people that already use Backdrop CMS to drop in and ask questions, mostly these office hours have become a time for a regular group of participants to share projects and talk informally about things happening in the Backdrop community.
As someone that uses Backdrop CMS, is the availability of regular office hours that you can drop in and ask questions a valuable or useful resource?
If you haven't taken advantage of office hours, but would like to, what is holding you back? Is there something we could do to make office hours more useful or accessible?
Recent comments
Hello, Indeed, there is no more field than "login" and "mail address" (and password) in the "Create new user". It seems indeed to be a bug, unsure if someone can reproduce on a fresh...
Issue - Cannot create new user - "You cannot enter a title without a link url."
Does backdrop have a super admin that's different than users assigned the administrator role? Sort of. Backdrop has an administer role that can be granted specific...
content_access_node_access_rebuild doesn't exist
@GOA_TrishaLynn - Thanks for your comments. Are you having any trouble finding the documentation you are looking for?
What are (should be) the prerequisite skills to install and configure a site with Backdrop CMS?
No, both those .json files are extant in the files/config_XXXXX/active folder. Views UI wasn't enabled. I did so, and now I can manage content and people. Thanks!
content_access_node_access_rebuild doesn't exist
Thanks, that's really helpful. I never used Views in Drupal, so it was disabled when I started the latest migration cycle. I'll try your suggestion. The question about the super admin was a...
content_access_node_access_rebuild doesn't exist