yorkshirepudding (Martin Price | System Horizons Ltd)
argiepiano (Alejandro Cremaschi)
mazze (Matthias Walti)
laryn (laryn)
tomgrandy (Tom Grandy)
klonos (Greg Netsas)
Olafski (Olaf Grabienski)
Recent comments
Ah... I did not know that. Thank you for the info/explanation. I would really like the ability to be able to generate travel distance in real time, but not if I have to go back to Drupal...
Port Module "google maps services"
@laryn: Thanks so much for your prompt reply. This is my first BD migrate, so I may have other questions as silly as this one :) Much is familiar, while other things are done differently, or...
Editor doesn't work after upgrade from Drupal 7
Hi @davidlark -- check if your text format is configured to use CKE at admin/config/content/formats
Editor doesn't work after upgrade from Drupal 7