In case it's helpful to someone who is getting ready to install, here's a screencast of a basic manual installation process of BackdropCMS:
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Nice tutorials ! The introduction to the layout is great and helpful ! Hope you have more tutorials coming up! Thanks for sharing !
Here's a link to a short screencast on how to install manually:
Manual Installation of BackdropCMS (Screencast)

Nice tutorials ! The introduction to the layout is great and helpful ! Hope you have more tutorials coming up! Thanks for sharing !
Thanks @simone960! Yes, I plan to do some more tutorials. Anything in particular you're hoping for next? I haven't planned the next one out yet.
You are most welcome @laryn ! Here are some videos I would love to see on your channel for your consideration especially for the new users without drupal background. Thanks !
1) A bit more focus and explanation on the display modes since there are quite a few like teaser, Full content, Search index (can be quite confused at times...)... and the new feature to add new display mode. If I add a new display mode, how and where to apply this new display mode.
2) Views is a powerful tool, I wish you can create some videos to explain on Views. How you display your content via Views in different formats, especially to create a responsive grid page, perhaps using flexbox grid system that Basis theme supports?
3) How to create a sub theme. Take the default Basis theme as an example. How we can create a basis sub theme correctly, adding our own new CSS stylesheet and js file. And how to remove any unwanted core CSS file.
Think about it! Thanks!
Here's a link to a short screencast on how to install manually:
Manual Installation of BackdropCMS (Screencast)