Hello, I have installed the EU Cookie Compliance module and it gives me an error when saving the configuration: editor field is required, although they are fine. I see that I get 4 forms error when there are only three.
Tronico I am not seeing this problem on a test installation. Is it version 1.x-2.26.0 that you have installed? If so, please tell me more about the configuration settings you tried to save, preferably in the module's issue list referenced above.
I have already seen where the problem is, it is in the form of the option for mobile phone, which by default is hidden, the editor is opened and sealed, then I close it and it no longer gives error.
I will try it on a new installation to see if it gives me the same error.
Thank you.
In a new installation it does not give editor error since by defector all forms take an editor. But on my site that comes from a migration of Drupal 7 if that gives me the error, I will do more tests when I migrate another site.
Hi, I would solve this problem by installing the Term Body Class module and then editing the user profile by adding a taxonomy type field with a dictionary setting to be used as a Term Body...
Posted11 min 45 sec ago by Antony Milenkov (amilenkov) on:
Some tasks that I belief, deserve a bit attention in the dev meeting:
PHP 8.4 support (#6777)
I'd like to get it into core soon, so we have enough time to find possible side effects...
The ordering using titles is unusual because, in alphanumeric characters, "19." is smaller than "2." etc. This has nothing to do with Backdrop.
I'm not sure I understand your question. Why...
Posted2 days 6 hours ago by Alejandro Cremaschi (argiepiano) on:
Thanks for the suggestions !
site/admin/reports/status/php reports that the OpenSSL module is present :
PHP Version 8.3.17
OpenSSL support enabled
OpenSSL Library Version OpenSSL 3.0....
I am a maintainer for this module and will take a look as this problem. Perhaps you could add it to the issue list at https://github.com/backdrop-contrib/eu_cookie_compliance/issues please?
Have you considered using the alternative module called GDPR Cookies?
Tronico I am not seeing this problem on a test installation. Is it version 1.x-2.26.0 that you have installed? If so, please tell me more about the configuration settings you tried to save, preferably in the module's issue list referenced above.
I have already seen where the problem is, it is in the form of the option for mobile phone, which by default is hidden, the editor is opened and sealed, then I close it and it no longer gives error.
I will try it on a new installation to see if it gives me the same error.
Thank you.
In a new installation it does not give editor error since by defector all forms take an editor. But on my site that comes from a migration of Drupal 7 if that gives me the error, I will do more tests when I migrate another site.