willowf's picture


Hi guys, I'm working on a Subtheme de Basis, I want to edit the article author section, what file should I modify in order to create classes or what the process would be. Thanks for the help

Accepted answer

How do you want to modify it?

Are you looking to change the date format and/or exact wording?

We are currently working on an issue to make it easier to customize the display of the date/author field by content type. See:

If this would be helpful to you, please comment on that issue in Github, because the more people who comment, the more likely we can fix this for everyone. 

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In the meantime, this contributed module might be helpful for you to accomplish the same thing: https://backdropcms.org/project/submitted_by

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If you want to edit the template file and add custom classes, you can override the node.tpl.php file. Ask, if you need additional help on how to do override core template files. 



How do you want to modify it?

Are you looking to change the date format and/or exact wording?

We are currently working on an issue to make it easier to customize the display of the date/author field by content type. See:

If this would be helpful to you, please comment on that issue in Github, because the more people who comment, the more likely we can fix this for everyone. 

- - - - - - - - - 

In the meantime, this contributed module might be helpful for you to accomplish the same thing: https://backdropcms.org/project/submitted_by

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If you want to edit the template file and add custom classes, you can override the node.tpl.php file. Ask, if you need additional help on how to do override core template files. 


willowf's picture


Hi, I'm trying to do something similar to this. I copied node.tpl.php into my_subtheme / templates but I can't align them as in the image. Should I also copy user_picture.tpl.php? 

I don't think we have enough information to help any further. It would be helpful know how much experience you have with overriding core theme templates?

I would not expect that you would need to customize the user_picture.tpl.php template to accomplish what you are looking for. 

I think that you ought to have enough control over the markup with the node.tpl.php file unless you feel like you need to add classes to the profile image itself. 

willowf's picture

Thank you, I will continue researching and practicing ... :)