I want to remove the author name/link on search results listings:
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It's easier to take the file search-results.tpl.php from
place it in your theme /templates folder
and edit it as you need.
Thanks to @bwpanda on Zulip chat, the following code in the theme's template.php file does what I need:
* Overrides template_preprocess_search_results().
function [THEME]_preprocess_search_results(&$variables) {
foreach ($variables['search_results'] as &$result) {
$result['info'] = $result['info_split']['date'];
Is it possible to enable search index in display mode for page, for example it would be on /admin/structure/types/manage/page/display and configure to not show author and date info?
It's easier to take the file search-results.tpl.php from
place it in your theme /templates folder
and edit it as you need.
thank you, that is very helpful!
Thanks to @bwpanda on Zulip chat, the following code in the theme's template.php file does what I need: