
I am trying to test the feasibility of migrating my sites from drupal 9 to backdrop because I am in a shared environment and it becomes difficult with "composer".

I'm trying to create a simple menu block but I can't do it, it doesn't accept any of my entries .. apparently it works like autocompletion area and i can't put an external url or an admininistrave one like node/add/mycontenttype .. i guess something i did not understood about backdrop's menus .. an idea ? Thanks

Most helpful answers

Hello @philippeg ๐Ÿ‘‹

From the last screenshot you've provided, it seems that you are using https://github.com/backdrop-contrib/menu_views but the "Menu link title" field seems to be missing from the form. Here's how that form should look like:

@laryn is the maintainer of the Backdrop version of both of these modules, so he can help ๐Ÿ˜‰

...having said that, I have tried a fresh installation of Backdrop, with both of these modules installed, but I was not able to reproduce the problem (the "Menu link title" field is shown for me). Perhaps there is another module that is causing the problem, so can you try uninstalling any other menu-related modules and see if that fixes things? If you figure out which module is causing the issue, please remember to reply here and let us know.



Ha thanks; yes, now i can put date on path area now, but still a problem with title i can't record the link ..

It looks like you've got another module that's not in core. What is providing the "link" or "view" option? Maybe it's hiding the title field.

Which version of Menu Views are you using?

yes it was men_view 1.x-1.0.0-beta i deactivate it and i have the link again ...


Thanks for finding the guilty module

same problem with this new version : no title

Can you provide a list of all modules you have installed? Maybe there's a conflict.

yes but i don't know how to do that; i have 21 pages of hard-copy .. is these a means to send a zip file ?

Do you know how to do a directory listing or screenshot of the [webroot]/modules directory?

yes with filezilla, more compact and less images

Wow, that's a lot of modules. :)

How about this: on the Functionality page (admin/modules), if you type "menu" into the filter, which modules show up as activated?

Image Effects Test Suite
Image Effects Text test
Rules translation
Taxonomy Formatter
System Logging
Content Access Rules Integration
EU Cookie Compliance
Style guide
Style Settings demo
Taxonomy menu form
Menu Views
Webform Select2
Webform Views Select


All these module are inactive, the others active

The last version of select2 seems to work without effect on link adding ..

klonos's picture

Hello @philippeg ๐Ÿ‘‹

From the last screenshot you've provided, it seems that you are using https://github.com/backdrop-contrib/menu_views but the "Menu link title" field seems to be missing from the form. Here's how that form should look like:

@laryn is the maintainer of the Backdrop version of both of these modules, so he can help ๐Ÿ˜‰

...having said that, I have tried a fresh installation of Backdrop, with both of these modules installed, but I was not able to reproduce the problem (the "Menu link title" field is shown for me). Perhaps there is another module that is causing the problem, so can you try uninstalling any other menu-related modules and see if that fixes things? If you figure out which module is causing the issue, please remember to reply here and let us know.
