drop's picture

The Backdrop CMS PMC (Project Management Committee) is currently discussing and voting on the following change to our github contrib permissions policy. 

Feel free to post any questions or comments here.

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That moving forward we adopt the following permissions policy for contrib projects.

1) The maintainer of each project will have `admin` access and the ability to promote additional maintainers to their project.

(Currently, maintainers usually only have `maintain` access)

With this change, the complete set of contrib access will be as follows:

1) Members of the `Security` group/team will have `admin` access
2) **The maintainer of each project will have `admin` access**
3) Members of the `Bug Squad` group/team will have `write` access
4) Members of the `Authors` group/team will have `triage` access
5) Everyone in the world (regardless of github account) will have read access

This change is considered possible, because we are now able to prevent project admins from deleting their project. While we seek to automate this transition as much as possible, we anticipate that existing maintainers may need to ask for the change on a case by cases basis. We hope that new projects will inherit this permission structure from the start.


indigoxela's picture

The maintainer of each project will have `admin` access and the ability to promote additional maintainers to their project

Cool, this will simplify things a lot, I guess! I found it pretty weird to not being admin of a module I'm supposed to maintain. :-)

klonos's picture

As officially announced during this week's dev meeting, the PMC vote on this has passed, so contrib maintainers will now have elevated permissions (so that they can assign others as co-maintainers for example).

We still need to work out how to automate the process of assigning the proper permissions as much as possible, but we have some good ideas around that. For more, see the discussion at the start of the dev meeting recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5R3sXrkhxw