Whatever field you want to order by (probably node title), add it to the Sort section of the view and choose Asc order. That'll display the view in alphabetical order.
Thank you very much .. indeed on the title it does the job but I should have specified (my fault) that I wanted to sort by grouped fields and by alpahbetic sort on this grouped field
This is what I did and I have the same result and more i have many times the same node because some nodes belong to more than one categories..maybe that i want to do is not feasible and i should find a workaround ..
For the multiple nodes showing up, maybe try various combinations of aggregation and distinct settings. They are both in the right-most column, in the Other section. The distinct settings are in the Query settings area. I would start with the distinct and pure distinct settings to see if they help.
Thanks for the suggestions !
site/admin/reports/status/php reports that the OpenSSL module is present :
PHP Version 8.3.17
OpenSSL support enabled
OpenSSL Library Version OpenSSL 3.0....
PHP Openssl is missing perhaps?
I know you've stated that it's there, but if it's having issues loading for any reason, it will fail with updates.
Try doing a phpinfo(); call to check...
Whatever field you want to order by (probably node title), add it to the Sort section of the view and choose Asc order. That'll display the view in alphabetical order.
Just adding a screenshot to support the advice from @BWPanda.
Thank you very much .. indeed on the title it does the job but I should have specified (my fault) that I wanted to sort by grouped fields and by alpahbetic sort on this grouped field
Whatever the grouped field is, add it to the sort section then.
If you still have trouble, maybe post an export of the view we can look at.
Select any filter and click on Apply to see results
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This is what I did and I have the same result and more i have many times the same node because some nodes belong to more than one categories..maybe that i want to do is not feasible and i should find a workaround ..
For the multiple nodes showing up, maybe try various combinations of aggregation and distinct settings. They are both in the right-most column, in the Other section. The distinct settings are in the Query settings area. I would start with the distinct and pure distinct settings to see if they help.
Thanks the suggestion; i have tried but don't work either ..