
I was wondering if what I wanted to do is impossible or if I forgot something: I need to have a link field built with tokens and / or an expression with blanks .. I have output like this "/ photorama /% 5Bnode% 3Afield_album% 5D" or "/ photorama2 / Balade% 20du% 2014% 20-% 2011% 20-% 202020"



klonos's picture

Hey  👋

Can you please elaborate further on what the problem you are facing is? I specifically don't understand what you mean by "or an expression with blanks".

Perhaps explain what is the expected output vs. what is the actual output you are currently getting?

Hi @klonos,

this is an exemple of "expression with blanks" :  Chute de neige du 05 Janvier 2020

beetween "Chute" and "de" you have a blank, a space that the link behind don't understand

it's a name of photo gallery ; for this photo gallery i use an image with image link formatter  so i need a link and i build a link depending the case with this type of expression "Chute de neige du 05 Janvier 2020" or with a token ... it's seems that the link can't  translate the blank ( or space ) character neither the "[" or "]" character of a token; so at the place of Chute de neige du 05 Janvier 2020"i  have "Chute%2520de%2520neige%2520du%252005%2520Janvier%25202020" so the view behind don't understand and i have no result; normaly the title should select a photo with ".Chute de neige du 05 Janvier 2020" but the view search for "Chute%2520de%2520neige%2520du%252005%2520Janvier%25202020".. so it does not work       .. am i clearer ?

ps : in fact I have an old drupal 7 site where I was using media gallery and I am trying to reproduce the same type of operation


nobody else has an advice on this problem ?

klonos's picture

Hello again @philippeg

In order to be able to help, I would need to understand exactly what you are trying to achieve, and the exact configuration of the site you are working on (which I understand that is difficult to provide).

The problem to me seems that you are trying to use a token that generates human-readable parts (which include spaces) in the URL. I think that you should try using a token that generates that part using the machine name (that has lower-case letters, and uses dashes instead of spaces).

Here's what I think would help us help you further:

  1. use https://backdropcms.org/demo to spin up a blank Backdrop site
  2. install the modules required to achieve what you need, and keep notes of the steps you take (which modules you enable, what settings you change, what fields you add, how you configure a view etc.)
  3. provide detailed, step-by-step instructions required in order to reproduce the problem

Hi @Klonos,

Thanks for your answer .

I am well aware that I cannot have an immediate answer knowing that this type of forum is managed by volunteers but due to the events in Greece, I thought that you may have had network access problems hence the duplication .

Here is the problem

I have a whole site of photos galleries under drupal 7  working with the module media gallery; this module doesn't exist with backdrop and i try to reproduce the way he is working to migrate the site under backdrop.

"The problem to me seems that you are trying to use a token that generates human-readable parts (which include spaces) in the URL. I think that you should try using a token that generates that part using the machine name (that has lower-case letters, and uses dashes instead of spaces)." yes you are right and maybe the way i want to reproduce media gallery is not the good.

I upload pictures with a field text "album" who has identifical name that the gallery ; each gallery has an image representing the event and if they click on this picture i send toward a view with "album" as an argument that show all the pictures of this event; this "album" field is entered by end users, for example "Our Christmas photos" in human-readable language; I cannot ask them to enter in machine name like "Our_Christmas_photos", same problem if i use tokens and clearly the human readable language name is not accepted by the "link" module, so I am trying to find a workaround without a dev because i am not a developer .

if I use a gallery name like machine name everything works fine .

klonos's picture

PS: I deleted that other duplicate post you created about this problem. No need to create new posts in the forum about the same thing if you don't get a reply as soon as you expect it. Please be patient, and people will eventually respond here.