There was a module for this on D7 but I don't think it's made it to Backdrop (or I can't find it if it has), but just in case - is there any way module or otherwise to allow parameters in a view query to emulate a URL structure?
Any thoughts appreciated!
Hi greenstick,
No module I'm aware of, but rewriting of urls is always possible with two hooks:
and its counterpart hook_url_inbound_alter
That requires writing a custom module, though - a tiny one.
As an alternative, you could port the D7 module - or request a port.
Which module is that?
Do you need to actively rewrite the first URL into the second one, or are you just hoping to be able to use the second one directly? If so, I think you can use a wildcard in the View page URL and then set up an exposed filter to pull that value out of the URL.