Try as I may, then only role that can make webform submission is administrator. I have checked all permissions as well as the webform access control ..but I do see
Notice: Undefined index: reply-to in webform_submission…
Try as I may, then only role that can make webform submission is administrator. I have checked all permissions as well as the webform access control ..but I do see
Notice: Undefined index: reply-to in webform_submission…
I see that notice appearing in the dblog even with anonymous webform submissions, so I don't think that's related to your problem. [Update: turns out it is, see below.]
Can you say a bit more about the specifics: is your anonymous or authenticated user getting denied access to the form itself, or does the problem happen upon submission?
By the way, about that warning: one way it is generated is if the default "from" address isn't filled in in the Webform settings at admin/config/content/webform.
Thanks for you interest!
No user is denied access but submissions are only sent by email when the administrator submits the form.
I also see this report..I suspect its related
Notice: Undefined index: reply-to in webform_submission…
Let's try to clear up the "Notice: undefined index" warning. (I can't follow your link, of course—which is as it should be.) Would you confirm that on the page at admin/config/content/webform, you have entered the "Default email values"?
Entering a default value does fix the error..thanks, and now any role can submit.
But submissions are always seen as coming from the default email address rather than the submitter's email address.
I need the reply to the address to belong to the sender has always worked with my Drupal sites.
Let's just check something: in the E-mails settings for the webform,
In that case you should have the from header of the email being "Submitter Name via From Name" <>", and the reply-to header being "Submitter Name <>".
What differences from that are you seeing?
The reply to header is always the default site email address.
I am wondering if this is related to smtp settings ..I am using sendgrid
I have other Drupal 7 sites that work perfectly with webform..let me take a look.
I will leave you in peace (for a while)
So grateful for your support
Can you submit the bug report to the project for the "undefined index reply-to" error message? You can send it here:
There's been a recent change to use Backdrop core's default of setting a reply-to header but looks like there's an edge case to fix. (See
Wow ..I am not alone.
Very very grateful for your input!!
I use "Your email address" for the person submitting the form...

The on the "E-Mails" tab, set the "Email Reply-to address" to the "Your email address" field.
Hope this helps.