If user has "View content revisions" permission but doesn't have "Revert content revisions" or "Delete content revisions" permission, node revision pages (e.g. node/6/revisions) return the following error:

Notice: Undefined variable: links in node_revision_overview() (line 931 of C:\xampp\htdocs\sites\backdrop\core\modules\node\node.pages.inc).

Has anyone else experienced the same?


indigoxela's picture

Hi simonp,

Has anyone else experienced the same?

I didn't see that yet, but maybe because I never used the exact same setup. If it's reproducible in a fresh Backdrop install (without contrib or custom modules), it might make sense to open an issue in the core issue queue. Because then it's a core bug.

indigoxela's picture

It is reproducible on a vanilla install, so it's a core bug.

Here's the issue for it.

@indigoxela -- thanks for adding it to the issue queue.