So I followed directions in "Adding theme settings (advanced)" but for the life of me I can't find any page with theme settings. Is theme-settings.php still a thing?
If you are creating a custom theme then yes I think that file can still be created the same way as in D7. You could take a look at the Bartik theme in core.
Hi patch-works. Thanks for posting the images.
I've tried recreating the scenario, and have not encountered any issues when creating a new user account.
I'm confused about one point...
Posted4 hours 27 min ago by Alejandro Cremaschi (argiepiano) on:
Hello Argiepiano,
Thank you for looking into this.
There are 3 links fields, this one is the most recent, here are the screenshots:
This seems to be a problem with an update hook that did not run when you upgraded your site from D7. The hook in question is content_access_update_1004, which should have run during upgrade. Or...
Posted17 hours 49 min ago by Alejandro Cremaschi (argiepiano) on:
Thank you, olafski
I had already done that, but switching languages wasn't tied to whatever layouts were needed.
I'll work with the other reply, see if I can replicate the...
If you are creating a custom theme then yes I think that file can still be created the same way as in D7. You could take a look at the Bartik theme in core.